Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Your Child's 23 Psalm

You all know Psalm 23. In this Psalm, David was talking about the Lord. He said "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." He was bragging on the Lord as the person who gave care to him.
God is the Great Shepherd.
God has called Pastors & Parents to be His undershepherds. When I was in Israel Last year, I saw a shepherd standing on a rock while his children tended the sheep. They were the undershepherds.
David wrote this Psalm about the wonderful care he received from his heavenly Father.
Our question to you is, what if your children were to write a Psalm about you? Or what if the people in your church were to write a Psalm about you? "Phil is my Dad..." What else would they say? Do I take care of them? Do I lead them beside the still waters? Do I help them deal with fear? Do I provide comfort for them? Do I help meet their needs?
What about your children? What would they say if they were writing a Psalm 23 about you?
At the end of Cynthia's life, and mine we want our children to be able to write a wonderful Psalm about us.
Phil Phillips Miracle Parenting

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Miracle Families is dedicated to touching families throughout the world. This book on ADD is a BIG part of that mission. Our twelve years of research and living with ADD each and every day is completely reflected in this brand new book. Welcome to Our World offers a transparent look at Phil's personal struggle with being ADD and the accumulated frustrations of not finding out he was ADD until he was in his thirties. You will be amazed at the practical and very REAL solutions that are offered in this substantial, hard bound, ministry oriented book. Written with both the ADDer and nonADDer in mind, everyone needs to read this book. If you are affected in any way by ADD, whether by a spouse, a friend, a grandchild or an employee, you cannot wait one more day to get this information.